Met-Art Monika

Johoho, happy Holidays everyone!!!
Some pre New Year updates. First blog post – Met-Art Monika. Sexy, cute and hot met-art teen babe with long blond hair, huge boobs, round ass and shaved pussy. Monika metart teen is posing in house on a simple white bed.
Who made photos of Monika – Slastyonoff. Slastyonoff makes good galleries and photographs of models. Enjoy the pics below and vote/comment if you like it.
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3 responses to “Met-Art Monika”
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Haa walaal waa ay adagtahay in la fahmo ama la sharxo balse waxaan u fahmay in ay ka wadaan in aad keento cadeyn muujineysa in aad haysato masuuliyada carrautuada. Waxay u fikirayaan qaabka Swedishka ee in hooyada iyo aabaha midkood uu leeyahay masuuliyada caruurta oo maxkamadi siiso ama heshiis ay ku gaaraan. Soomaalidu nidaamkaan ma yaqaanaan sidaa darteed ayay adagtahay in la fahmo ama laga gudbo shuruudaan balse waxaan filayaa in ay qeyb ka noqon doonto waxyaabaha lagu xalin doono sharciga cusub ee la filayo July 2012.U codee: 0 0
à YacedjazAttention les oedèmes des chevilles, Oedipe !« mon immense intelligence sensible »Vous eussiez pu être plus simple en la qualifiant de : colossale, considérable, cyclopéene, démesurée, extraordinaire, extrême, formidable, gigantesque, grandiose, grandissime, géante, illimitée, immensurable, imposante, incalculable, incommensurable, infinie, insensée,monumentale, prodigieuse, profonde, titanesque, éléphantesque, folle…Ne soyez pas si humble !
i would like to say that your body is amazing how would you like it if i just kissed you and made love to you i promiss to show you a good time i will make you cum hard in a way you wil not imagine love you and waiting to have sex with you my number is 2020165519168
Haa walaal waa ay adagtahay in la fahmo ama la sharxo balse waxaan u fahmay in ay ka wadaan in aad keento cadeyn muujineysa in aad haysato masuuliyada carrautuada. Waxay u fikirayaan qaabka Swedishka ee in hooyada iyo aabaha midkood uu leeyahay masuuliyada caruurta oo maxkamadi siiso ama heshiis ay ku gaaraan. Soomaalidu nidaamkaan ma yaqaanaan sidaa darteed ayay adagtahay in la fahmo ama laga gudbo shuruudaan balse waxaan filayaa in ay qeyb ka noqon doonto waxyaabaha lagu xalin doono sharciga cusub ee la filayo July 2012.U codee: 0 0
à YacedjazAttention les oedèmes des chevilles, Oedipe !« mon immense intelligence sensible »Vous eussiez pu être plus simple en la qualifiant de : colossale, considérable, cyclopéene, démesurée, extraordinaire, extrême, formidable, gigantesque, grandiose, grandissime, géante, illimitée, immensurable, imposante, incalculable, incommensurable, infinie, insensée,monumentale, prodigieuse, profonde, titanesque, éléphantesque, folle…Ne soyez pas si humble !